Container Garden Ideas
Projects for Container Gardening.
Creative Container Garden Ideas for growing gorgeous gardens in limited spaces.
Funky container gardening projects to meet your small space gardening challenges and enhance any space.
Versatile Container Gardening Solutions
Container gardening isn't just for small spaces, although it can be incorporated into the tiniest of areas. Add containers to patio, deck and entry areas for interest
and function.
Planted containers, can be strategically chosen and arranged to make the most of a space and lend an ambience of your choosing.
Create a country atmosphere with wood, pottery, clay or galvanized metal containers. Repurpose cream cans, barrels, wheelbarrows, buckets, washtubs... anything, into
an eclectic grouping.
Or go for the elegant ambience with tall stately containers displaying groomed plants and perfectly trimmed shrubs. Container gardens can achieve the look
and feel you're going for.
Here are some fun and funky container gardening projects that are easy to complete and produce fresh herbs and vegetables for gourmet meals.
Easy Container Garden Projects
Salad Globe Project ~ Container Garden Ideas
For a salad garden that makes a great conversation piece.
- Take two half-round hanging planters with coconut liners. Fill both containers with sterile potting mix.
- Place one on top of the other to create a ball. Wire them together with floral wire.
- Poke holes through the coconut mats and plant lettuce or greens.
- Water thoroughly.
- Hang the lettuce in a window or outdoors and you have a salad garden that uses no floor or ground space. Water and spritz as needed.
- To complete the salad garden try growing
tomatoes in containers and peppers too.
Herb Wreath ~ Container Garden Ideas
Try this fun and simple project to grow herbs in containers in your home. This project is a live herb wreath
- To make this wreath purchase a wire framed wreath and enough
sphagnum moss to fill it.
- Stuff the wreath full of moss and water well.
- Opt for low growing herbs for this project. Thymes, oregano, lavender, creeping rosemary, are all good
- To add the herbs to the wreath make a hole in the moss, and plant the herbs in the holes.
- Water well and keep the wreath flat on a table or other surface until you
see new growth. Use a baking sheet that can hold a little water.
- Then hang it up inside where it is sunny or outdoors.
- Water at least once a week by laying the wreath flat. Mist the wreath with water from a spray bottle
daily. Trim the wreath as desired to use the herbs.
Garbage Can Potatoes ~ Container Garden Ideas
Potatoes can be grown in plastic garbage cans.
- Drill or cut small holes in the bottom of the can for drainage.
- Fill the garbage can about 1/3 of the way up with soil. Add the
seed potatoes.
- When the plants have grown about 12 inches tall, add a layer of clean hay or straw (no weeds) up to the first set of leaves.
- Continue this process until the can is full and the
potato plants are at the top of the garbage can.
- Be sure to keep the potato garden in full sun & water as needed.
- The entire garbage can will be filled with potatoes at harvest time. Just tip the container
over and pick your fresh potatoes.
Creative Container Ideas

Anything can be turned into a planter if it can hold a little soil.
Look for things around your home that can be used to contain a single plant or a whole garden.
Crocks, water troughs, bathtubs, bicycle baskets, boots, bowls, teapots, kettles, umbrella stands, luggage. The possibilities are endless.
Put a few pots into a little old wagon or a wheelbarrow and it's easy to change their location as the seasons change. Additionally, the height you gain works perfectly for
wandering plants like cucumber. The fruits can be contained in the wagon as they mature.
To find creative containers visit farm auctions, ebay, swap meets, garage sales, second hand stores and classified ads.
Visitors to our Container Garden Ideas page may also be interested in the following pages.
Container Gardening Supplies
Growing Herbs in Containers
Growing Tomatoes in Containers
Growing Vegetables in Containers